Hi! My name is Katie. My fiancé, Ford, and I own Meadow View Ranch. We purchased this property about a week ago (in late March of 2022). Owning this 19-acre property nestled at the base of the Bighorn Mountains in northern Wyoming is a dream come true for us.
We are excited to embark on this wonderful journey; we'll be transforming our ranch from a largely barren, weed-infested wasteland into what we know it can be--a flourishing, beautiful piece of paradise where wildlife, livestock and produce all thrive.

Of course, there are already numerous gorgeous places on the property. There's a creek that meanders along the border of our land, sub-irrigating a large section--we call it the hidden meadow, hence our ranch's name--and providing places for wildlife to rest.

We're a couple who cares deeply about taking care of the land we've been given. It's a privilege, not a right, to be stewards of such a spectacular ranch. We strive to make this a more healthy, regenerative ecosystem with each day that passes.
We have a lot of hard work ahead of us, but we're ready for the struggle! Come along with us on our journey as we help restore this beautiful land to its naturally bountiful state.